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system control program中文是什么意思

用"system control program"造句"system control program"怎么读"system control program" in a sentence


  • 系统控制程序


  • The warning system uses at89c55 as main chip and system control program has been designed by mcs - 51 language
    报警系统采用at89c55作为主控芯片,用mcs - 51汇编语言编制了系统程序的主体框架。
  • First , according to different car - following situation , warning distance model and braking distance model are discussed detailed . then according to base function to be achieved , system plan is made , and based on this , design of applying circuit of needed power unit , information collection unit , warning unit and other units is finished . system control program is designed by mcs - 51 language
    根据不同的跟车情况对报警距离模型和制动距离模型进行了深入的探讨;然后根据所要实现的基本功能,建立了系统方案,并以此为基础,进行系统所需的电源、信息采集、警报输出及其它装置的应用电路设计;用mcs - 51汇编语言编制了系统控制程序;最后给出了模拟实验的结果。
用"system control program"造句  


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